I’d love to show you some photos of the excellent pedestrian areas around the university. A picture of the fantastic pedestrian / cycle shared public areas many other cities should copy (town planners please start listening to what people need) I’d share an image of the giant trees with alien like external root systems. Sadly I can’t do any of that as it POURED with rain, I mean RAIN! A most awesome thunder and lightning storm, possibly one of the biggest I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t even take a photo as it was so wet I daren’t risk my camera or phone’s survival.

The evening wasn’t quite a wash out, although my usual long walk after the evening meal was cancelled and a taxi journey took its place. Ironically it was the only day I didn’t take my rain-coat with me, typically on just about the only day in Australia it was needed! The YHA was as ever, excellent, with the rooftop pool and what a view!
Top 5 in Brisbane:
Shared undercover public areas, even bridges
Cycle lanes
Turkish restaurant with a real iguana wandering past
Mother nature’s amazing lightning show, who needs fireworks
Fruit bats, I love bats!