Ten Simple Ways to Navigate Your Way Through Midlife

Midlife Negotiation Blog Post

You may suddenly get that craving to buy a huge motorbike, or to run away to Greece and sit on a beach with a glass of something sparkly. We all get urges. It’s how you manage them that counts

If you’re not reading this on a beach, or whilst on a coffee break at a roadside cafe, I’m guessing you’ve already decided against the stereotypical options.

So maybe give me a few minutes to talk you through my suggestions for coping with the challenges thrown at you by those pesky birthdays ticking by.

Ten Quick Ways to Navigate Your Way Through Midlife

Get a health check, doctor’s MOT

This puts all those niggly health concerns into perspective. Information is power. Also, if you have something that needs dealing with, catch it early. If you don’t awesome, just remember your body changes and bits wear out, slowly. Which brings me neatly on to point two.

Remember the alternative to getting old. Memento Mori.

One good thing to come from the global pandemic is people are realising the value of good health and emotional connections. And…

You don’t need so much stuff

Have a clear out. Make space in your life for what you love and what lights you up.

Ditch your bucket list

Create real short-term plans. Set realistic but stretch goals and take regular action to achieve them. Stop craving for things that you actually probably don’t really want anymore, anyway.

Make friends with yourself

So you have stretch marks, or your toes aren’t quite how you’d like. Maybe your skin is baggier. Love your body. It’s what makes you unique. Acceptance is empowering.

Get fit

You don’t have a run a marathon, but do some regular exercise. Try something new. Be adventurous. If you’re worried about doing it alone, find a buddy, a community, and go get your heart rate up a bit.

Eat healthily

I know, boring. Shift your food focus. Nourish your body and brain. Get to know your body, check out allergies or intolerances and embrace a diet that feeds your heart, brain and soul. Educate yourself about food miles and eco issues alongside your own body’s requirements.

Do something new

Challenge yourself to do something you haven’t tried before. Push your boundaries.

Don’t be scared of change

Empty nest, redundancy, early retirement or relationship breakdowns. All have negative connotations, but you can work through them, they can force you to make the changes you needed to make. You might choose to downsize, relocate, or embrace a new career. Don’t be reckless, be optimistic and confident, and make the changes you need to take on the next stage of your life.

Live your best life

Stop waiting for things to happen to you. Don’t procrastinate. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that life is unpredictable, precious and for living with passion.

Go out there and grab it by the short and curlies and create amazing memories to look back on.

Oh and don’t forget to write your story along the way. Create a legacy for your loved ones, it’s not all about the money, it’s the memories that really count.

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If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out to the professionals. They are there to help.

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