13th October 202011th August 2021Podcast Episode #009 Why taking time off is more important than ever In this episode I detail 8 ways to make working from home that little bit healthier and sustainable.
6th October 202011th August 2021Podcast Episode #008 Why Midlife Is Exactly The Right Time To Write That Book Writing is a creative journey that many come to later in life. This episode includes a discount code for my 1-2-1 creativity coaching.
29th September 202011th August 2021Podcast Episode #007 Why batch working is the new multitasking What batch working is, and how it can help you increase your productivity and downtime
22nd September 202011th August 2021Podcast Episode #006 What Exactly Is A Midlife Crisis? Does it exist? If it does what do I need to do to survive it?
15th September 202011th August 2021Podcast Episode #005 Why We Should Never Stop Learning Ideas for how you can use your brain, access free training and resources.
1st September 202011th August 2021Podcast Episode #002 Why Using Age As An Excuse Is A Really Bad Idea Age should never be a barrier to opportunities, so don’t make it into one.