17th August 201617th December 2019Blog Book Review – Lasting Damage, Sophie Hannah A classic storyline and mystery of a woman, is she going mad, is she already insane or, is it a set up.
5th August 201617th March 2019Blog Book Review: No Time For Goodbye, Linwood Barclay Very cleverly written, is she going mad or is someone trying to make it seem she is losing her grip? If so, who?
27th July 20164th February 2017Blog Book Review – The Son, Jo Nesbo I read this in just over a day, it really grabs you and over you through the plot. I guess I’d describe it as ‘Gritty Scandinavian’.
26th May 20166th January 2025Blog Book Review – Robert Crais – Hostage It’s a good read for holidays, a page turner, but nothing unique. I guess though that predictable is a strength in itself. You know what you are picking up from the shelf, and Mr Crais knows his craft.