Simple Steps to Help New Writers Avoid Getting Scammed or Ripped Off

Person writing on an ipad with an ipencil

PLEASE don’t sign up for things without really digging deep and finding out your options.

Don’t sign up for anything, or sign any contracts without getting advice.

I was recently approached, luckily I did my due diligence and checked the small print.

After a lovely friendly email from someone asking about collaboration. I replied.

My question to the organisation:

“The writer produces the content

You sell the book at £12.50

The writer gets nothing for the first 10 books

They get just 10% after that

Am I right?

If so I couldn’t support a platform that doesn’t value the creative.

If I’m missing something blindingly obvious I’d love to hear back asap.”

This organisation had confirmed I’m right, but they are aiming at new writers.

Even worse in my view!


… designed to enable aspiring writers to find their voice and be discovered by those who love to read….

You work hard

It takes time to produce your book, if not a money investment too.

Do not sign away, or worse give away, that valuable intellectual property without serious research and fact checking. 

You are building a legacy for you and your loved ones for up to 70yrs after your death.

I’m saddened (down right angry) that creatives will be drawn into such exploitative terms.

Check the terms

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

(No attribution for this quote, as everyone seems to say it and no reference is listed anywhere I can find. Happy to add attribution)

Future rights

The world develops at an alarming rate. There are so many new opportunities each year, so please make sure you don’t sign away ‘future’ rights. Or at least not without some serious consideration.

You never know what they may.

How to avoid getting ripped off

  • Get educated.
  • Read books on publishing and other themes relevant to your business. If you are a writer, writing is your business.
  • Read up on trends, sign up for relevant newsletters.
  • Consult legal advisors.
  • Ask the experts, and then check their advice with peers.
  • Join peer groups to keep aware of scams and advice.
  • Trust your gut. 
  • Have an ethical policy, and stick to it. 

Overwhelmed midlife professional? 

My New Writer Programme is perfect for budding writers who are scared or intimidated about that first step towards writing a book.


The Programme Focus:

Your Mindset – Making the shift from ‘some day’ to ‘today’

Skills Assessments – Identifying your areas of expertise and passion

Direction – Working through your dreams and aspirations to gain a clear perspective

Motivation – You will do the work. By seeing results, alongside my daily check ins you will keep on track

Inspiration – By taking daily action you will feel inspired by your own progression

Practical Tools Tips and Tricks – Goal Setting | Organisation | Time Management | Prioritisation 

Daily Accountability and Reassurance

Find Out More

My prices are out in the open, so no scary sales pressure on that first call.

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