I committed to bring you book reviews on all the books I read, so you can share my thoughts on Goodreads and You Tube.
My passion for books isn’t fussy, it’s across all genres, and I’ve reviewed fiction, non-fiction, futurist, classic and even children’s books over the past few weeks.
The writer’s tips are all there to support your creativity and encourage you to write your own book/s.
Here are just a few of the latest…don’t forget to subscribe!

I KNOW you can write your book, your story, you can!
You may not have the skills yet, but you can learn. Trust me, you can!
I’ve heard all the excuses, too busy, too much other stuff to do, left it too late, one day I will etc etc etc
No More Excuses, sign up for my online course now and in a few weeks you’ll be able to finally start that book.