Oman – Continued – Another MASSIVE tick on my bucket list!
I’m playing with a new way of bringing you travel stories. Instead of one quick glance over the whole trip, I’m breaking my first trip to Oman into bitesize chunks. This is my way of sharing more of my adventures and hopefully giving you much more inspiration to travel, get out and about and do more exciting things to push your boundaries.
A huge breakfast and then wow the best day EVER!
I’ve finally caught up on the sleep. I love overnight flights for the peace and quiet, chance to watch a film, read or nap. HOWEVER, I can’t pretend I get loads of sleep. I’ve tried various tactics:
– too big – get in the way – too small – fall out of my ears as I get tangled up in the wire.
Scarf over head
– so far the best option. No one can see your squidged up face or drool, but you can be a bit panicked, hot and clasutrophobic if you wake up suddenly forgetting a cashmere pashmina is the reason for the darkness.
Fly fishing
– you know head back, mouth wide open. This is usually the option chosen by guys, who snore, but I’m sorry I just can’t, call it lack of confidence, I call it pride!
Lie on the table
– you know that diddy one in front of you. Not a prayer, I’m too tall.
Head resting on the seat in front
– you know like the emergency leaflet says (I’m yet to be convinced that it saves your life, but if in doubt, I’m opting for any little measure they say to use, including taking my shoes off!) Now this one can work, if you don’t mind a great big red welt across your face when you get to customs, and you aren’t sat behind the person who shoots their chair back at high speed. I’ve yet to be brave enough to try it.
So, cut to the chase, I arrive in Oman tired but happy.
The first day involves lots of catching up and woo hoo by day two – BRING IT ON! And did they ever!
I had the most awesome breakfast, most important meal of the day you know. I’m trying to cut out lunch so I fill my boots for brekkie and then save myself for dinner / tea / supper depending on your place of birth. I’m from Yorkshire so it’s tea, unless it’s after eight then it’s dinner, although that’s usually at noon – see confusing eh?
Bucket (or *uck it) List Ticked
After brekkie it was to the beach for the hotel ‘snorkel tour.’ I like the security of a noodle / body board / life jacket and when they said the ‘tour’ had a safety boat I was in. So mask adjusted and snorkel tested (first one leaked, second one popped out of my mouth etc) we set off.
The beach is gorgeous and sea clear – ish – so we headed around the headland (I know sorry, why is it called a headland anyway?) and started spotting varieties of fish tootling through rocks and playing in the sand. The ‘guide’ almost immediately shouted us heads up, and pointed beneath him.
Oh my wordy wordy – TURTLE!!!
She was gorgeous! Just leisurely swimming around beneath us, she swam into the murk and I managed to swim above her for a few precious moments before I felt like I was intruding and allowed her to paddle away (they do paddle don’t they? Serene, peaceful and awe inspiring!)
SO SO HAPPY! I love turtles and want to protect them as much as possible. I’ve been lucky enough to see them next to my boat, out at sea, and even at a rescue is Australia but never swimming freely within just a few feet of me.

Within minutes I swam past another, a large lady with numerous shells marking her own beautiful shell, I guess that’s the turtle’s version of age lines, again, she just ignored us. Carried on about her business between the rocks and rising with the swell of the water before dropping to the depths and out of sight.
My third turtle was a young lad, cheeky and fast, wth blue fins, a bit flashy, no doubt courting the ladies (they lay their eggs on the beach next to the cove) and in his best attire. His shell was immaculate and polished, sadly the reason so many have been slaughtered for the eponimous turtle shell.
I felt so honored and thrilled it wasn’t until they passed by that I realised just how much hard work it was taking to swim in the swells, so we headed back. Tired but elated and feeling very honoured.
In the water on the way back was a lone empty crisp packet, what a timely reminder that we MUST STOP single use plastic. It’s killing our seas, before we even know what’s in its depths! DO YOUR BIT!
I can fly!
I’m trying to look after my health as I age, and things seize up or head South. How awesome then that at the beach yoga session with Holly that I flew!!!
So that’s two ways I’ve beaten my fear of flying!
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I hope I’ve inspired you to travel, tweet me from your next coffee stop!