Melbourne, I love you. I knew I would, I wasn’t let down, you shared your best and I will always remember you. Bit gushy? I know, but no apology.
It has the best street art I’ve ever seen.
St Kildas has penguins and rats, in a good way, they are both endangered and looked after at the pier, not in part by an old sun leathered guy who sits on the pier all day. His animal friends within arms distance hiding amongst the rocks, only to be seen by the privileged few, Yes that includes me, thank you. St K also has a lovely long walk along the front and the pier to a coffee shop, fishermen try to catch their lunch and tourists walk amongst the locals out for a run. Don’t miss out, just catch the historic tram and take in the sights on the way..
I adore this genius sculpture near the library, surely I’m not the only one who thinks of planet of the apes when I see it.
This has to be the best art ever, how beautiful, again just shows the value in ‘look up’ and noseying around. You can even go on a tour of the art, although we just found our own.
The sky deck is one of those high viewing buildings, speedy lift to the top, made for tourists, a great way to see the city, although my treasure was found as we left. How awesome are bees, save them please, plant a flower.
Top 5 of Melbourne:
The prison museum
Coffee shops
The ‘left bank’ culture along the river
Places to sit and relax, everywhere
YHA (yes I know that’s 6 but it was awesome)