Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland – A Night at The Museum with Awesome Art Classics

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland - A Night at The Museum with Awesome Art Classics

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland – A Night at The Museum with Awesome Art Classics

Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland - A Night at The Museum with Awesome Art Classics


Art Gallery, shop and cafe


Argyle Street, Glasgow, Scotland

Van Gogh


This gallery is housed in a beautiful, classical architectural jewel of a building in Glasgow city. We parked up in the cheap on-site car park and walked through the small gardens to the entrance. Entrance is free, with a voluntary donation of £5 minimum, it’s well worth the donation!

The gallery is spread over three floors, with cafe and shop to visit before you leave. The shop has some really well designed souvenirs, reasonably priced and not just the usual junk.

The exhibits are displayed in smaller rooms, well spaced so browsing and taking your time is easy and enjoyable. The downstairs rooms are a bit more chaotic as they are aimed at education of the young. Lots of laughter and running between the tactile displays shows they’ve got it spot on.

Best bits:

The balcony view over the ground floor is truly amazing. It’s like something out of ‘A Night at the Museum’ with ancient animals, some true giants, displayed across the pillared gallery.

The number of world famous classic art pieces was breathtaking. I’m surprised they aren’t advertised more prominantly for tourists and locals alike. Monet alongside Cezanne, Lowry, Van Gogh and an appropriately featured Dali classic.

Scottish Stag and scenery

Downstairs is more children friendly and hands on, educational games and information. The upstairs more viewing galleries and quiet spaces. The ‘alien’ carvings fascinate me, in an age when tools were slate and stone axes and chisels, how would man ever carve such intricate patterns.


Worst bits:

There aren’t any. If you’re in a hurry and fancied just seeing the ‘classic’ art held there a specific map would help, in addition to the gallery one. However at each entrance to the smaller galleries they did list which piece was located within.


Don’t miss it, and really look around. I found a Rodin sculpture just loitering there in the hall way – STUNNING!

Rodin sculpture