Half of Us Think We’re in The Wrong Job

Wrong Job Blog Post

Yes, you heard me, half of the workforce believe they are spending their days doing a job which doesn’t make the most of their talents.

50% of people think they are in the wrong job!

That’s half of us, working hard, who don’t believe the job suits them. 

It isn’t fulfilling of value or bringing them a sense of achievement. 

I find this really sad, but totally understandable.

After all, someone has to pay the bills right? Someone has to put food on the table.

I’ve been there, done that, been a slave to the 9-5 rat race. I spent years turning up, clocking on (yes, with a good old-fashioned ker-chunk clocking-in machine) and getting money for hours.

Not surprisingly, I even went one step further and did unpaid overtime just to get ahead of the curve, or so I thought.

It paid my bills. I’m not complaining, but there is a better way.

Now, I’m not here to sell you a ‘too good to be true’ get rich quick scheme.

I’m from Yorkshire, I’m a straight talking type of gal. 

I come from the ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’ school of knocks.

However, I am here to remind you about the other 50%. 

Image by Leni_und_Tom from Pixabay

The 50% who love or at least like their job. 

The people who know they’ve found the right job. If they can, you can! 

Yes, you can!

Redundancy can force us to look at new options, but why wait for the boot before you look around?

In my podcast. Midlife Isn’t A Crisis, I mention how to take actions every day to change your life, your direction, your lifestyle. You don’t have to take a gigantic leap, as thrilling, exhilarating and terrifying as that can be.

You can take small steps every day.


Create a plan.

Nourish your passion.

Share your good fortune and positive, generous mindset with others.

Yes, honestly, It works. 

The plan can take some time, but the best time to start is right now.

Grab a piece of paper and a pen and start mind-mapping, scribbling, doodling. Do whatever it takes to engage your creative brain.

Stop moaning about your boss, your commute, your wage, your burden and start taking steps to move one step towards your goals. Today.

Life is truly a gift, but it’s short. 

Fill every day with things that energise and excite you.

As ever, if you’re stuck, get in touch.


I have generalised the percentage from many online sources. This topic is surveyed, a lot, and you can find many stats about not only the numbers of disillusioned workers but also the health benefits or otherwise of being happy at work.

My post is to motivate and inspire and inform. 

Please forgive my lack of the HUGE list of academic and non-academic organisations looking at this overall issue.

Some reports even state almost 85% of people are unhappy at work

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