Do you need a job doing?
You can’t find the time, or you don’t have the skills.
Maybe it’s just a quick one-off task.
Fiverr has some amazing global creatives and online workers who will do the job for you.
How does it work?
You can commission someone to do almost anything. From website speed to artwork. Social media to music, as well as all those geeky tasks you don’t even know how to start. Build long-term working relationships with your chosen experts in their field.

‘Avoid Fiverr, It’s Rubbish Quality’
I definitely don’t agree with this criticism I see levelled at the platform. Creatives maybe perceive their own work devalued by others offering low prices. Perhaps they’ve experienced a glitch. I come on to those later.
Of course, there are some on there who may not be highly skilled. Scammers or beginners. Students or hustlers, who knows. Buyer beware applies everywhere online. Fiverr is no different.
I’ve commissioned some truly gorgeous work, and had some hiccups.
Are those problems because of my lack of a clear directive or language issues? Maybe.
Read the reviews, message your creative. You can do that before you pay them for the work. Ensure you are both clear on what is on offer.
Always stay within the platform to benefit from their protection from scams etc.
Why is it misunderstood?
When you first browse, you’ll get drawn in by the ridiculously low priced offers.
There are a few things to remember whilst considering the price on offer.
Where is the creative living?
It could be you are in a different country with much higher daily rates.
The low price is their ‘hook.’ You can set your own prices, that’s what is so good about Fiverr for creatives. It empowers them to do whatever work they choose at their price. Many set a cheap price for a small one-off task, then have much higher prices for more skilled or in-depth work. At first glance, you see very low prices, but dig deeper and many earn serious money with their premium packages. They can earn significant money doing what they love and provide you with a great service.
They may be new to the arena
We all know when you change career or start out, you need to hone your skill, build your client base and this comes alongside lower earnings. It’s a recognised business strategy to draw in clients whilst gaining those precious reviews, testimonials and skills.
You don’t need to go for the cheapest option, but sometimes at the start you might need to exactly that.
You can give a tip as large as you like after the job is complete.
Geo-location helps you support global creatives
You can choose workers in your own location and pay them your own going rate. Your choice.
I love to pick specific global communities to support workers in a country of my choice. This ties in with my ethics policy of giving back.
Some amazing freelancers work in places where wages are much lower than your own. Give them an opportunity to earn your level of income. You can give them a large tip, employ them again, give them a testimonial. Refer others to their skilled work.
Always credit artists and creatives when you share their work. Unless you have paid, e.g. a ghostwriter to write for you and paid a good price that reflects that transfer of rights.
If you want to shift careers, or just get a ‘Side Hustle’
You can register on there yourself and start your own freelancing income. It’s a great place to start out if you are dabbling in something new. You don’t need a website, so it’s almost a free entry to a global online workplace.
As with everything, it’s not a get rich quick scheme. Is there even such a thing? You’ll see loads of posts online about just going on Fiverr and earning a fortune.
If you are going into it purely for a quick buck, you probably won’t do well.
You need to have a skill or be building your skills in a very specific area. To know your niche, market well, work hard and produce goods to strict deadlines.
Hitches and Glitches
I’ve had some work done that truly didn’t meet the brief, but it was low cost and I still have half a job done. I can now edit and work on it.
Sadly, because of their understandable tight financial security hoops around multiple accounts, I had to close one of my pen name ghost writing gigs. I now manage that from my website. Despite this, I can hardly criticise their scrutiny. I’m also a frequent consumer, so want to know it’s a safe place to do business. Their platform, their rules.
It gets a bad press for being ‘cheap’ and under-rewarding the skills on offer. BUT it also gives global workers a chance to get a foot in the door, and to be earn some good money.
One piece of music I commissioned is now my theme for You Tube, Podcast and anywhere else I choose to share. I can clip it and use it anywhere I choose with no worries or concerns about intellectual property rights.
My website is faster. My book art is wonderful. I won’t bore you with the rest.
I’ve built many strong working relationships with creatives across the globe.
I’m now affiliated with Fiverr because I use their site and have found some BRILLIANT reliable contractors.
Why not outsource that necessary annoying little task you don’t like?
You may just build your business with the time it frees up!
If you haven’t used Fiverr before I can give you a 10% discount code EXPIRES 30th Sept 2021
10% Off First Orders – LABORDAY10FIVERR
You can make a small donation to my business It’s like buying me a coffee or a cuppa tea, I’m from Yorkshire, it’s the law that we drink a mug an hour! Huge thank you!