Episode #042 Create, Nourish, Share – 10 Minutes a Day To Re-Vitalise

Social Media Podcast Episode 42

A 10 minute daily ritual to keep you motivated and energised.

We all have busy lives, overwhelm can be all encompassing.

By taking a breath, and doing these 3 simple checks each day, we can reclaim ourselves.


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Book Recommendation

The Beekeeper of Aleppo, Christy Lefteri

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Hi, Christy here on Thursday, June, end of the month

Episode 42 Create nourish share my simple philosophy.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today, quick introduction as usual for what my weeks been like, I’ve got my third book out now in my secret pen name so that was exciting, enjoying that process.

I’m writing short stories and then collecting them into bundles and getting them out as books, and I think quite productive so I’m really enjoying that.

And it’s nice to see another book on the shelf, and I’ve done some ghost writing. If I remember if I mentioned this last time but I was approached about writing a scene for someone else’s book, and I don’t know if you’re aware but quite often when you read a book, it isn’t just one writer, they may be collaborators, they might have had the whole book ghost written or just scenes and I’ve now written two scenes for a client, and I’m really enjoying it, it’s a new adventure.

And it’s quite a challenge it really gets your brain going trying to get someone else’s characters into your head because obviously if you write you get to know your own characters so well, and to just have a few paragraphs on an email explaining who someone is is quite challenging getting in their head, so I’ve enjoyed that, and I’m getting really good feedback as well.

And this month I’m editing to thrillers.

And I’ve also last month, closed a Facebook group, which has been really difficult decision and it sounds really silly because these just a Facebook group is nothing, life changing. But I’ve had it a long time, it’s sort of my little baby if you like, and I just got overwhelmed with social media, and I’m really trying to peel back to have a much more minimal lifestyle I’m actually looking at my goals at the moment for this year that I’ve got pinned upon my notice board, and the three key words for this year were productive, which are no I’m being productive, leaner greener. One of the things about greener is that I’m actually looking at more ebooks.

I’ve not looking at Bitcoin or anything like that because of the Eco impact on it, and leaner is less stuff going on, basically so I’m, I’m on track without quite enjoying it. And so back to the main topic, create nourish share. It’s a philosophy I’ve had for quite a long time now quite a few years, and it was just a very simple philosophy that keeps me on track.

And I’ll come on at the end that I’ve got a freebie that’ll help you. So I mentioned that at the end.

And it’s really simple. It’s a 10 minute daily check on yourself if you like it, you could call it an affirmation, meditation. If you’re not into the woowoo side of things, it’s basically just like an audit check at the end of the day on your action plan, and it can take five or 10 minutes in the morning and then it’s a good idea to do it again, last thing at night. And I’ll go under each heading create nourish share. So every day, you need to do something under those three headings. Create. This one’s fairly easy, that you could write something, you could write a blog post, you could create a new design or a new product, you could cook a meal. But, be productive. When I worked in corporate I used to get very frustrated by the end of the day if I’d got loads of partially completed tasks and never seem to get anywhere.

And have you ever had it when you’ve got one of those really busy days and you get to the end of it, and you feel like you’ve not achieved anything. Well this is a way of getting past that and actually acknowledging that you have done things, and you have been worthy and valuable, and you have achieved something. And it was worthwhile getting out of bed in the morning. So that’s create to be productive, and actually finish your task. Nourish. This one’s about self care, looking after your passions, nourishing your passions, being aware. It might be tied in with create by creating something you’ve actually nourish your creativity. It could be that you nourish your emotions by having a conversation with someone, it might be having a pamper session. Just something simple, but be aware, be much more aware of yourself, your mental health, your environment, other people’s emotions, it’s getting in touch with sort of his soul and you, you

have a side if you like rather than the practical side that COVID With create. So that’s create a nourish and then the final one is share. Sharing your gifts, sharing your skills, giving you value, you know, are we here for a reason, if we are, if we’ve been given skills or have been taught something to build up an obligation to share that I think we probably do, be generous. Be generous with your time. Be generous with your skills with your value. Don’t be selfish. I very much believe in the philosophy that of abundance that the more you give, the more you receive. And when you’re a kid, it’s always, no it’s better to get presents one presents and only given, but as you age I think you realise that the giving is what’s important.

And somebody I follow online is a wonderful generous entrepreneur, and he says by giving, he receives tend to tenfold his business has gone from strength to strength. And I do believe that the more value you give the more you should gift. It nourishes you, which obviously comes back to nourish, but it helps others. It could be something simple that on social media you just go on and offer a freebie, or you go and comment on someone else’s post that they’ve spent time compiling can be really simple act but by sharing something. It just helps you feel more fulfilled.

So, the 10 minutes each end of the day is going to morning set at least one thing under each title so scribble down create an array share on a piece of paper, and set an intention of what you’re going to do under each heading that day. And then at the end of the day, what no matter how stressful it’s been or how wonderful it’s been, sit back and think, actually, I achieved these today, and write down what you’ve achieved on reach heading, and I think you’ll be surprised how much you can actually achieve in one day that you’ve totally forgotten about. And it just completes the day, and enables you to move forward and sleep better, and ready for the next day, and it might be that you haven’t achieved what you set out in the morning but you may have achieved 10 Other things, and by sharing it, you becoming part of the global community. So let me know how you go with.

And book recommendation, those from accommodation. I’m going to be doing a video about this book today from my YouTube channel.

It is one of the best books I’ve read in a very long time, it’s an award winner, I’m sure, The Beekeeper of Aleppo. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. By Christy Lefteri, and it is a wonderful, wonderful book. It’s very deep, very emotional, wonderfully written Aleppo is in Syria.

I’m sure that he can understand that Syria is in dire straits at the moment. It touches on refugees humanity relationships, geography, the journey. Oh, there’s just so much that was covered by this book. I really hope it becomes a recommended reading in sort of sociology or any, any sort of classes in colleges and schools because it, it is sort of quite profound.

And then I’m going on a bit about it but please read it and let me know what you think. And then finally, like I said at the beginning I’ve got a freebie for you if you wanted. If you’re going to struggle with the Create nourish share philosophy, I’ve got an ebook sample together, that just explains it a little bit.

Certainly a few pages is not huge, massive big book. And so let me know if you want that either drop me a DM or comment on the podcast, I will be putting the freebie up on my website.

So you’ll be able to find it there as well. So I hope that’s helped. So create nourish share, have a wonderful June, set some intentions for the month, let me know what you’re going to achieve this month, and thanks for joining me. Bye.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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