Topics Covered This Week
The hard truth is, somedays you just need to get the job done.
Manifesting, visualisation, goal setting can all work, but only if you do.
For those who need to be given a boot up the *** to get going, this episode pulls no punches.
In 2021 we will achieve great things, so to do that we need to step up and work.
Quotes, harsh truths and motivation are the focus this week.
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Hi, Christie here. On Monday, the 25th of January as I’m recording this in 2021
Episode 24.
This week I’m going to chat about having to do the work, I can be a bit brutal this week, I’m not going to mince my words with you. I’m going to make sure that you get motivated to get stuff done.
Sometimes you just need to do the work.
That’s what I’ve called this episode, and it’s so true, the hard truth is sometimes you just have to get the job done. Whether you like it or not you’ve got to sit down in the chair and do the work.
A really good quote, and you know I love a good quote and especially if its from Maya Angelou my hero.
“Nothing will work unless you do.”
And that is so so true. The media at the moment, I don’t know about you, but it is just so full of myths. Loads of blog posts and news press items about how you can earn a million dollars within a month and all you’ve got to do is, you know, post a couple of times on social media and you’ll earn £10,000 a week, just, you know, like a lot of these influencers have done.
I’m not disputing that some people earn some serious money, but they put some serious work in, and they often have teams behind them as well which I’ve mentioned before. You know, don’t be fooled by people just having the one person, they will have teams behind them, often quite large teams, don’t believe the myths basically look past it.
Manifesting can work of course it can. So can goal setting, I’m a firm believer in having goals, I’ve got them written on the notice board, of course goal setting works. Visualisation works. Of course they do but not on their own.
Manifesting is, you know, all you’ve got to do is think about it and it can happen. You need to do the work or it’s not going to happen.
I want to sell a lot of books, the only way I’m going to sell a lot of books, is to have a lot of books to sell, which means I’ve got to write them, which means I’ve got to do the work.
The same with you, whatever your ambitions are, you will have to do the work to back up your ambitions. It won’t just appear, unless you win the lottery, it won’t just appear overnight. A lot of influencers and online entrepreneurs preach that you don’t have to work as hard, that it’s a myth that, you know, back in the day you were taught that the more you work, the more you earn. Well, it’s not really a myth, that can be very misleading.
I can totally understand what they’re saying because you can build up passive income. You can build up investments, a back catalogue, evergreen content as they call it, on blogs, which means that once you’ve written it and it’s out there, it can earn you money long term. I don’t dispute any of that.
But ultimately, you’ve had to do the work in the first place. And also, you’ve got to continue doing the marketing for that work, long term as well. I’d like to say it’s a bit of a hard truth for you this week.
I’ve got another really good quote for you as well which I think maybe you’ve heard it before, from Stephen King fairly brutal.
“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.”
Says it all. His book’s really good as well actually it’s not the book recommendation this week but I will drop the link in because he’s written a book about writing, and it’s a really good book, and it explains how he put the work in. If you see his back catalogue, he’s got loads and loads of books which is why he now earns lots and lots of money, but he’s still writing, he’s still doing the work.
Another quote, I know I’m throwing loads of quotes at you this week, but I really want to drill this home to you that this isn’t just me thinking this. There are lots and lots of people who think this, know that.
Gary Vaynerchuk, Gary Vee is very much a sort of ‘like him or loathe him’ really. He swears a lot, but if you can get past that he’s very, very good at what he does. He’s into marketing, hustle, etc etc he’s got lots of different businesses, a very successful entrepreneur, and basically his quote’s very simple.
“How bad do you want it?”
And that’s the thing it’s all right doing all these goals and mindset and visualisation and manifesting, but it’s the way that you implement those in your life, realise that you’ve got to do the work to back it up.
You can’t just put a manifesting board on the wall and sit back in your garden and wait for it all to happen.
If some of it happens that’s fantastic. But I’m pretty sure that most of it’ll happen an awful lot quicker, and you’ll be an awful lot safer in your knowledge that it will happen, if you put in the work in
to make it happen. Find when you’re most productive and do the most important work at that time of day. So that might need some planning.
I’m very creative in the morning. I’ve discovered that 5, 6, 7 o’clock in the morning if I get up and write at that time for two hours I get so much more done than if I try and sit down at 8 o’clock at night and write for two hours because my brain’s tired by then. So I’m very much a morning creative person, you might not be. You might be one of these who works better late at night. So find your best time and do your best work, your most important work in that most productive time.
Book recommendation:
Malcolm Gladwell
He’s got quite a few books out, Malcolm Gladwell, he’s very well recognised now as sort of a voice to be heard and Blink is a book about taking decisions quickly, Not jumping into things without thinking about it, but just being more decisive, and I think to be more productive.
Being decisive is one of the things that you need to hone, one of the qualities you need to hone, so that’s my book recommendation of this week.
I’m going to give you a bit of a challenge. I want you to take action, I talked you through this before in Episode #004. I talked about your regaining your confidence and overcoming your fears. In Episode #011 I discussed setting goals so go back and listen to those episodes.
Then last week in Episode #023 I discussed limiting beliefs and how they can hold you back. So if you go ‘I’m not sure’ or ‘I don’t think I can do this because’ go back and listen to that one as well.
So that’s Episode #004, #011 and #023, go back and listen to those again. And then stop procrastinating, and making excuses and do a job, get something off your to do list and get it done, get it finished and get it out there, whatever it is.
Okay, so I know it’s been a bit of a harsh telling off this week,
but I really want you to get some work done.
Okay, we’re nearly in February now so it’s about time. It’s hard in lockdown I know it is, but we’re going to achieve things this year and the only reason we’re going to achieve them is because we’re going to get the work done.
I hope you’ve taken some of this onboard you realise that the only way you can get stuff done is to get stuff done. Are I catch you again soon stay well.
Transcription by
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