Episode #020 Gratitude isn’t a dirty word, even in 2020

Social Media Podcast Episode 20

Stop being so hard on yourself.

This year has been tough, but it’s OK to be OK.

Be kind, be generous, be open to good news.

Don’t feel guilty is this year has been good for you.

Opportunities exist, if we look for them, or are open to seeing them.

  • Be open to possibilities
  • Be kind
  • Be generous
  • Don’t wish your life away
  • Contact new and old contacts to say thanks
  • Sit back and think about your year, acknowledge the good as well as bad


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Hi, Christie here, recording this on Tuesday, the 29th of December and it’s episode 20, I’m going to be looking at gratitude and how, despite everything that’s happened in 2020, it’s still not a dirty word. 

Gratitude is something that you can practice every day. 

First of all, my little intro it’s been Christmas. So obviously people have had breaks from work, including me. I’ve been doing a lot of writing again, even though it’s been holiday break writing to me, doesn’t feel like work. 

We woke up to snow this morning, it’s beautiful and quite cold, not a foot deep only an inch or so, but it does make everything a lot prettier.

I’m on episode 20 of the podcast and who would have thought at the beginning of the year that I would even be doing a podcast. It certainly wasn’t in my annual plan, as you know, I am definitely somebody who believes in a plan. I’m always telling you get a plan, write down your plan, but please remember that it’s okay to change the plan. 

You can have a plan B, that’s fine. You can have a plan C if you want. 

Don’t feel guilty about achieving things or not achieving things that are in your plan or not in your plan. It’s okay. It’s your plan. You’re allowed to change it. 

Back to the main topic, gratitude, I’ve actually titled this episode. 

Gratitude isn’t a dirty word, even in 2020, because we have had a lot of stress and strains, and I’m certainly not underestimating the impact it’s had on a lot of people, but I want to come from a very positive mindset for this episode at the end of 2020.

It’s the last episode I’ll be broadcasting this year. And I want you to realise that it’s okay to be okay. 

You don’t need to feel guilty that you’re okay, that you’ve survived and you’ve coped, you might have even thrived.

There’s an awful lot of businesses that have gone from strength to strength this year, and it’s okay to be like that. 

I would say, remember to always be kind as always, that’s one of my guidelines through businesses to be kind, be generous and be open to good news. 

Let people say it’s okay and they’ve had fun, or they’ve enjoyed an event because a lot of trolls on social media, especially at the moment, are really trying to bring people down all the time. If it turns a little bit a positive somebody counters it, bringing them down to a negative vibe again so long as you kind and generous and tolerant see things from the other perspective. 

It’s okay to celebrate things, successes if you’ve had those, ‘cause it has been tough, but don’t feel guilty if it hasn’t been on you. If you really enjoyed staying at home, it might be at the beginning of the year that you know said 

‘Oh, I wish I could work from home.’

Or, and a lot of people have been in that situation, it may be that actually you don’t like working at home anymore. 

You need people, you need a structure in an office environment. Some have totally shifted your perspective on that. 

I’m an introvert, and I love my space. Have you thrived being at home, and it’s actually made you realise that you’re going to do that more next year? 

So review your year, maybe it’s not been that hard. I’m certainly not gonna say everything’s been great, but it might have been for you. 

At the end of the year, why not sit back with a journal and go through everything that you’ve achieved this year. Everything good that’s happened as well as the bad and write it down and actually realise that good things do happen. 

Maybe reach out to some of the new contacts that you’ve made and thank them for their contributions this year or older contacts, old friends, if they’re the people who have kept you going, just reach out to them at the end of the year and just say, are you okay, thanks for your support this year. 

You know, things like that don’t cost any money. They just cost a few seconds on a message. You can do an audio message, you don’t even have to sit down and type it in. 

Make the most of the end of the year, celebrate things that have happened that have been good for you and make sure that you do recognise that good things did happen this year, as well as the bad. 

We have got to get used to different systems and different ways of working. 

Whether it’s COVID that prompts that or job losses or whatever, you do have to be able to shift your mindset (this last year has certainly been a test for everybody.)

Who’s had to do that?

The last thing I want to leave you with on this topic is a quote from Maya Angelou, who as you know I love. 

‘If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?’

Maya Angelou. 

I think that really sums it up. 

I always give a book recommendation in all my episodes now, but I’m going to be really cheeky this week, why not have a look at one of my books? 

I will drop some of the links in my show notes on my website, so you can have a look at those and maybe go and buy one if you fancy that. 

Thank you for joining me on up to episode 20. I’m really excited about the year ahead. 

If you’ve got any topics that you want me to cover, I’ve got guest interviews coming up. Anything that you want to include in the exclusive content? My supporters on Patreon will be getting monthly exclusive content and it’s customised to them. 

Feel free to suggest to either through Patreon or through a direct message, and hopefully I can provide some answers if you have any questions. 

Don’t be hard on yourself, look back on the year and try and concentrate on the positives as well, and acknowledge some of the softer side of it. 

Okay. Have a wonderful celebration over the new year and I will catch you again next week in 2021. Thank you. Bye.

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