You are a writer with a book in your head.
You might have even started to write it, just a short few chapters but it’s on its way. It’s going to be an amazing best seller, and you can’t wait to see it in the bookshelves at your local bookstore.
Then, you think, this could be quite a lonely book. Crammed on its own between all Stephen King classics, or squeezed into a corner unnoticed, its beautiful cover and lyrical glory diffused by a shelf of Stephenie Meyer or Lee Child.
You get to thinking, what if…maybe…yes what if I write a trilogy?
[bctt tweet=”You’re not alone in this thought process, and it’s all to do with becoming addicted to writing. Go with that feeling, and know you can not only write a trilogy, it’s probably a really good idea, and will actually help you sell your first book too! #writerscommunity ” username=”@christieadams23″]
So, how does it work, this three book thing?

First let me tell you what a trilogy is, and what it isn’t.
“A trilogy is a series of three books, plays, or films that have the same subject or the same characters.”
(Ref: Collins Dictionary)
OK? Clear? Same characters, often with a thread that flows through all three books. This doesn’t mean it’s just three books by the same author, although you may find them in a box set. A box set is often three books, but can be as many as eight or nine.
Box[ed] Set
“a collection of items of the same type, packaged together for sale in a presentation box”
(Ref: Collins Dictionary)
You may see boxed sets by genre, where a group of writers have got together, often for marketing purposes, and put together a collection.
I’m sure you’ve seen them, maybe a romance set or horror. There’s often an overriding theme e.g. location or sub-genre maybe murder on a train or rich man romance.
It’s a solid way to get your books out to readers of your genre, and you get to boost your sales by sharing fans with other similar writers. Hoping to convert them into your fans for future books.
So back to the trilogy thing, now you know what it is, why write one?
Well you probably start scribbling ideas down, knowing one day you’d probably like to write a book.
Then a catalyst like a relationship break down, a job loss or just a really cra**y day happens and you finally start to put pen to paper. Or most likely fingers onto keys and you get the book, finally, underway.
As you write you realise your characters start to talk to you.
The people you’ve created start to find their own voice, just as you do yours.
The problem then is, they have loads to say. They throw things at you as you write, some of which isn’t quite right for the story you are writing.
In the middle of the night you’ll wake with new scene ideas.
You’ll get near the end of the book and realise you like your characters and they have more to say.
Writer Tip:
NEVER delete anything. Copy it into a file clearly named and labelled for ‘extra’ bits.
I have a Scrivener file exclusively for that purpose but you could use Word or Google sheets. These extra ideas and scenes can form the basis of a new story. Help you get creative if you’re feeling stuck. Become a collection of shorts, or even exclusive content for your fans.
I realised as I discussed my plot with my beta reader that I could build a trilogy. Blimey, what a thought, I hadn’t finished the first book yet, could I really build it into three engaging novels?
The more detailed plan came together the more I thought about how I would prefer to end my story and I realised as I’ve put so much effort into creating the characters I may not want to ‘kill my darlings’ (nod to William Faulkner) just yet.
I guess that’s why so many writers go on to write numerous works in the same vein and why the brilliant TV series, and book series, goes on and on and on.
We all have to start somewhere, just grab another mug of tea and back to the keyboard.
And finally
…I think my favourite trilogy must be a fairly predictable Stieg Larsson’s “Dragon Tattoo” books I’m not that keen on the fourth one though, maybe proof of my old saying about knowing when to let go.
How about you, have you written or constructed a three part ‘anything’ and did it work?
Final (Final) Thought:
For this blog article, I was tempted to use the title “Do I want a threesome?” as I’m trying to increase my traffic to my blog etc. However this would send out totally the wrong message and might attract a whole ream of followers I can do without! According to some marketing advisors any followers are better than none.
Hmmm, ponder that for a moment then know that building your own fanbase is about your writing, your integrity and your characters.
Have confidence if you love your work, someone else will love it too!
[bctt tweet=”They (your readers aka fans) will like, and hopefully buy, your books because they hear you. They enjoy being told that story, yes that humble little tale you write. They will want to read, and buy, more stories written by you. #writerscafe #writerscommunity” username=”@christieadams23″]
Once you’ve written one book, even if you don’t fancy a trilogy, I bet you’ll write another. What do you think?
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I hope I’ve inspired you, tweet me from your next coffee stop!
Transparency – This post previously appeared in a much shorter version in 2016 – I hope you like the update.