Fear is normal. It’s what makes us creative, reactive, and open to possibilities.
I posted this content on my Substack last week. They have exclusive early access.
Change… The Only Constant
Just watched the Mr Z of Facebook fame announcement on the future of this platform.
Anyway, watch it, it’s ‘interesting.’
Again, it will be a ‘time will tell’ but I have my thoughts, no doubt you have yours. And yes, I had my tin hat on, so I really could talk about it… but not here…
Why am I talking about it?
The meta move from California to Texas?
The reasons are many, no doubt, but I find it fascinating and sad that nothing changes, even when it does.
For years I went through corporate changes, relocations, restructuring, redundancy, reapplying for jobs, the lot.
Again and again.
And every single one ultimately the reasons came down to down to money.
And not mine!
Such moves are stressful, scary, ultimately not always good, but sometimes, yes, the best thing that ever happens.
Trust me!
I know.
The lack of control can be terrifying, but the lack of a safety net can also bring about the most amazing personal transformations.
Forced change can be the catalyst for positive, empowering, life-changing decisions.
So many times I hear people who have faced unexpected or enforced change say, ‘this would never have happened unless… but I’m so glad it did.’
If you feel stuck watching life passing by, or are maybe facing a forced change and you’re not sure how to deal with it.
If it’s too overwhelming, I get it. I’ve cried. That’s OK too.
Ultimately, you can do this!
Whether you’re being nudged out of your current situation or itching to leap onto a fresh path but feel stuck.
If you don’t know which direction to move in, or if you want to even move at all.
You might have a great idea, but it’s so immense you don’t know where to start, or just a spark of a dream and you need someone to help fan those hopeful embers.
One thing is for sure, if you do nothing, nothing changes or at least not the way you want.
You need to take action. Do something.
You need a plan.
We humans love to settle, but sometimes that comfort turns into stagnation without us realising it.
If you’re facing a change, a move, or a shift that feels scary, that’s completely OK.
Fear is Normal
It’s what makes us creative, reactive, and open to possibilities. Trust that the other side of this change will be OK too, even if you can’t see it yet.
It might be a complete surprise or the dream you’ve been quietly hoping for. Time will tell.
(And yes, that’s my not-so-subtle way of bringing it full circle!)
(Sales pitch incoming!)
My book Midlife Isn’t A Crisis is the first step to getting your head straight.
It talks you through a process, from a blank page to an actionable checklist. There’s a FR££ workbook to go along with it, too. So no more excuses.
Stop delaying the inevitable.

Need More Than a Book?
We can talk.
No judgment, no heavy sales pitch, just a conversation, ideas, and methods I’ve used to redefine, reboot and re-energise.
From a FR££ fifteen minutes, to hour-long strategy or sound boarding sessions, you choose.
Those billionaires will keep doing what they do, making more money, but that doesn’t matter. You do you.
But one lesson you can learn from them, they aren’t afraid to change. To disrupt, to shake things up.
What will you do today to change your life for the better?