Book Review – Robert Graves – Goodbye to All that
This definitely appears high up in my long list of book recommendations. War is sadly a necessity and I do think this book is worth a read to know how brutal it can be on the individual.
This definitely appears high up in my long list of book recommendations. War is sadly a necessity and I do think this book is worth a read to know how brutal it can be on the individual.
This is a fairly routine tale of ‘small’ bad guy robs ‘big’ bad guy, goes on the run and repents. Well sort of with an odd twist or two.
I get asked this so often, so I thought I’d explain the 5 main reasons I became a backpacker as a 50 year old woman
I plan to do Lake Garda in my old age, maybe I’ve read too many books but it seems that sort of place doesn’t it? Good enough for DH Lawrence is good enough for me.
PLEASE Australia ban climbing on Uluru, most tourists now respect the importance, so please go with the majority and ban it for good.
climb up the famous Anzac Hill it’s well worth the effort as you get 360 views of the town
PLASTIC BAGS ARE NOT GOOD!! They end up in the sea, look like jelly fish, animals and fish eat them and die.
Fear as I realised it was getting to dusk and we were swimming in waters inhabited by sharks
Humans may think they are the superior being but up against a gull bobbing in two feet of water they are brought down to their humble rightful place
I adore Noosa! I also regret not discovering it much earlier
town planners please start listening to what people need
As I expressed my concern at the gale force winds I was corrected by the owner of the resort, who just happened to be passing. He informed me the same type of cable cars are used in ski resorts and are perfectly capable of keeping us in one piece.
They have good quality fresh drinking water taps all along walks to refill your water bottle. I will try not to buy another throw away bottle of water, I’ll refill. Well done Australia!
It’s a good read for holidays, a page turner, but nothing unique. I guess though that predictable is a strength in itself. You know what you are picking up from the shelf, and Mr Crais knows his craft.
…highly informative, very well researched and again reinforces my view that Barack seems like a decent bloke.
…someone who feels strongly however has the wisdom to count to ten, or maybe twenty, before responding. I think Mr Obama would be quite scary as an angry man.
So Robert, I liked the reference to other characters from your other work, it involves the reader. I’ll even forgive you the love interest, you did it well and it didn’t dominate a great plot. Well done, great read. Highly recommended!
I had not read one of Ben Elton’s books, any regulars to my blog will now start to grasp a theme with my reading this year, I am trying new things, pushing boundaries ever so slightly. This book came highly recommended, so I dug in.
First of all, can someone please explain why they sell HUGE looks at airports as the special ‘flight size’ copies. Ri dic u lous!!