Book Giveaway!
Nearly there!
Book Review & Writer Tips – Dear Ijeawele, A Feminist Manifesto, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
That’s the whole point with feminism that you don’t have to agree with everything that somebody says to you, it’s a very personal thing to you, to your family, to your views, not necessarily politics, but your personality and your own strength of character.
Dead if you Don’t, Peter James – Book Review and Writer Tips
Because you’re writing a police procedural, it doesn’t mean that it has to be 100% accurate.
My Latest Book Review & Writer Tips – You Are Dead, Peter James
This is the type of book where you will turn off your TV, just sit in a corner with a cup of tea. Forget your cup of tea, it’ll go cold because you’ll be reading. Stay up late, one chapter after another, ‘Oh, I just need to read the next chapter!’
Redundant? Your 5 Step Action Plan – How To Turn A Job Loss Into An Opportunity. Survive and Thrive!
Now read your notebook. It should be a visual feast of fears and thoughts, dreams and aspirations, Q & A’s and more importantly your plan for your future. Your life is literally in your own hands.
How To Write A Book Based On My Personal Experience (With Roxanne San Jose)
Without passion, there is lack of perseverance and without hard work, nothing can be done.
Why You Need An Instagram Strategy, with FREE Printable Check List
What’s your niche? By identifying that, and sticking with it, you’ll help instagram deliver the right content to your explore page. That’s the easiest place to dive in and interact.
What To Do in Denmark – 3 Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen Days!
Did you know she’s been decapitated 3 times? No me neither
Transform And Restructure Your Life And Regain Emotional And Creative Freedom
On my journey from fear and resistance to confidence and personal freedom I’ve faced numerous pivots, and picked up a few tips on how to cope with change.
Rowan Rook – Be Inspired By This Awesome Author, Entrepreneur and Editor
I wish I would have known that my love of stories could form a viable career path if I were willing to put full-time work hours into it.
Iceland – 5 Days of Big Jumpers, Hot Chocolate and Wow Moments!
First of all I’ll explain, I’m British, so I love weather. Any weather. I’m a firm believer in the philosophy that there’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes. So, water proofs, thermals and layers packed, off we go to Iceland for a short break.
Creative Writing Prompts – Never get writer’s block EVER! FREE ebook download!
Remember to ban the words ‘writer’s block’ from your mind, you’re not blocked, it’s a mindset shift.