Bad Dad, Book Review – What you can learn from David Walliams and my co-presenter
Whether it be an ebook, audio or lovely smelly hardback, books are beautiful and valuable, make time to enjoy them.
As we are all creatives, organisation doesn’t always come to us naturally but after years of corporate systems, I’m here to help.
Be adaptable
Be open to new ideas
Schedule audits and reviews
Rewards along the way
Audible, this could be a better, smoother, listening experience…
This year has been tough, but it’s OK to be OK.
You can have a tattoo for many different reasons, taking back power, and ownership of your body.
Allow yourself to be responsible for your own happiness, and acknowledge the impact of just a few small words.
By having a legacy plan in place, it also frees us to enjoy life in the here and now.
…it’s also lyrical, dramatic, page turning, violent, and a fantastic Glasgow story set in the 1970s.
Don’t be scared of being alone, if you are being forced to live without others, or you choose to, you can make your own space a haven of creativity and happiness.
Rachel McLean writes – Thrillers that make you think!
How understanding the grief journey can help you be kinder to yourself and others.
Your morning, and evening routine can be a great place to start new habits and change your mindset and outlook.
And why it might just be something you want to avoid.
The Kindle is the perfect gift for a book lover, find out more about the Kindle Oasis before you buy one!
I want you to think about the mindset shift you can take to embrace a new way of earning your money.
Why it’s OK to write a standard, a classic format mystery story.
Constantly striving to tick vague tasks off your personal to do list can be demoralising