Alice is different, Alice is all right, the title is from Nevil Shute’s ‘A Town Like Alice‘ I have a much loved copy on my bookcase. Great read by the way.
Alice is like many Australian towns, built around a grid system. It’s therefore easy to navigate, and to get around. Alice is also very flat, so if you climb up the famous Anzac Hill it’s well worth the effort as you get 360 views of the town.

It’s also a great memorial to the ANZACs. Australia has many well loved and maintained cenotaphs, those lost but not forgotten from numerous conflicts around the world across the years. Vietnam is often seen as an American war, you forget other nations were there too.
There are numerous art shops and the YHA was fun with a open air cinema each evening, a great stop over to the red centre. Alice does appear to have it’s issues, so maybe be aware if travelling alone or at night but our experiences were all positive. The bar we called at was a bit of a 1970’s time-warp, so girls and anyone who may not fit the old stereotypes be aware.
Australia is a big country, so you will be travelling alot if you want to see even a tiny part of it. PLEASE be safe and think ahead. Tell people where you are going, when you will arrive etc. Many bus stops are dark and in locations away from towns and quite eerie spots, big trucks the only other company. Make sure you’ve arranged collection by your hostel or friends.
As ever make sure you look around, you can find a gem hidden in the dust. I’m glad I found out about ‘Nosepeg’
5 top things about Alice Springs:
Access to the red centre
Easy to explore