The guide books and internet just mention Airlie Beach in passing as the hop off for the Whit Sunday islands.
Don’t miss out on Airlie, allow some time for the town it’s a good one. It has a very relaxed and safe feel to the seaside town.
Airlie has a large pool with grass sunbathing areas, all set up with a view to allow families a safe swimming and playing location. It was clean, had lifeguards and was the best picnic spot you could imagine. If only the UK resorts or cities would adopt the outdoor pool system.
We laughed as we watched a lifeguard trying to rescue a gull who had a problem leg, I know, not funny, but the bird was not one to go peacefully and the guard on a surf board with a net seemed to be less than an equal

competitor. Humans may think they are the superior being but up against a gull bobbing in two feet of water they are brought down to their humble rightful place. The gull eventually came safely to shore to have his foot cared for. The turtle made my day, he just popped up to say hi.

If you do stay I’d recommend YHA, with pool, although it was fairly redundant in view of the massive free one at the seafront.
Did you know Australia has manatees? No I didn’t either they are called Dugongs, if only I could have seen one, they are such lovely peaceful creatures. I was going to try stand up boarding however the guy on the sand suggested it may not be the best day due to jellyfish. I was so chilled out anyway, I too his advice and just sat and watched.
Top 5 of Airlie Beach:
Don’t always believe the tour books, find your own adventures
Allow for surprises
The highlights are often found when you don’t expect them
Take time to just sit and enjoy the surroundings
Don’t be a snob, supermarkets are good overseas too, don’t just use the 7/11 aimed at tourists